Monday, May 10, 2010

Quick post to Quick Links ...

Just a quick post to let you know that my Links are up and running to the other great blogs that help give me a kick in the butt when needed! 

I love to read new ones so if you would like a link to yours please feel free to leave me a comment (I love those too lol)

Hope Monday morning wasn't too stressful for ya! xx


  1. Thanks for the mention Angela, I'm glad you're still on target and enjoying the journey. I'm back and determined to push onwards after a blip that went on a bit too long!

  2. Hey hon.. I think I had the same sort of blip lol.. 3 weeks that netted me a total 1lb loss! ugh! I'm glad you are back on track, i've been checking for updates on your blog and was about to post a comment to ask how you were doing lol hope you're having a good week! xx
